8135 NE Evergreen Parkway, Suite 1220, Hillsboro, OR 97124

400 S. Akard Dallas, TX 7520

11680 Hayden Rd Manassas, VA 20109

An Opus Interactive blog post image of two hands reaching for a graphic of a globe. their fingertips touching the globe are glowing.

2021 Predictions for Digital Post Pandemic Demand

January 26, 2022

As the planet continues to adapt to changes in response to the global health pandemic…

An Opus Interactive blog post image of two hands reaching for a graphic of a globe. their fingertips touching the globe are glowing.

Cloud Computing Predictions for Digital Post Pandemic Demand

March 22, 2021

As the planet continues to adapt to changes in response to the global health pandemic, unprecedented…

An Opus Interactive blog post image of a view of the Whitehouse with the view being concealed by pillars in front.

How IT Modernization Initiatives are Impacting Federal Agencies

October 19, 2020

Driven by modernization, cyber, cloud, and AI, Government-wide IT spending across all agencies…

An Opus Interactive blog post image of a woman working on a laptop in a grass field during a sunset, there are cloud related icons overlayed.

Connectivity: Bridging the Digital Divide in America

July 9, 2019

This brave new digital world we’re building every day requires a high-speed broadband connection…

An Opus Interactive blog post image of kids working in a computer lab, there is a teacher helping the kid closest to the camera and smiling.

Creating Opportunities for Women in Tech

May 31, 2019

It’s a fairly well known fact that women are underrepresented in the worlds of science, technology…